Saturday, March 23, 2013

In A Better World (18)

This is the new regular blog feature. Once in a while there'll be a little something about a song that really ought to have been a hit. Well, in a better World, that is. This week it's:


Wow, two weeks in a row. AND it's a special :-).

See, Mikkel and I play in this indiepop band called Oliver North Boy Choir (ONBC). Back in 2007 and 2008 we released a number of singles, two compilations and had a bit of airplay. Then we split up, got back together last year and in a couple of months we'll start recording 5-6 songs, which we'll release in the Autumn. Naturally, I like most of the songs we made back then, but these are my three favourites. But hits? No, not really. And here's why:

"Endeavour": If you want a hit, don't record the drums like we did. So don't put the snare drum on a chair and a crappy cymbal on a drum stick instead of using a real drum kit, just because you think it's funny.

"New Folder": If you want a hit, don't use a crappy microphone for the vocals and refrain from not really bothering to mix the song.

"Epidemic Dreams": Basically, if you want a hit, it's a good idea to release it as a single. We didn't (just like we didn't release the abovementioned songs as singles either).

Anywho, the songs are cool, though. And right here on the playlist:

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